Gitlab Ci Python Docker

This page contains links to a variety of examples that can help you understand how toimplement GitLab CI/CD for your specific use case.

  1. Gitlab Runner Docker
  2. Gitlab Ci Python Docker Example
  3. Gitlab Ci Python Docker Online
  4. Gitlab Ci Python Docker Interview
  5. Gitlab Ci Python Docker

Examples are available in several forms. As a collection of:

  • .gitlab-ci.ymltemplate files maintained in GitLab, for manycommon frameworks and programming languages.
  • Repositories with example projects for various languages. You can fork and adjust them to your own needs. Projects include an example of using Review Apps with a static site served by NGINX.
  • Examples and other resources listed below.

CI/CD examples

  • Do this by specifying an image in your.gitlab-ci.yml file. Run other services, like MySQL, in containers. Do this by specifying services in your.gitlab-ci.yml file. Register a runner that uses the Docker executor. To use GitLab Runner with Docker you need to register a runner that uses the Docker executor.
  • Dockerized Gitlab CI runner for Python testing. Contribute to cardoe/docker-gitlab-ci-runner-python development by creating an account on GitHub.

Mar 10, 2021 Running GitLab CI via Docker Locally. Only add your.gitlab-ci.yml file to your project, create a new branch, push it, create a Merge Request, and if you like, the CI will kick in, with several parallel jobs. The CI would not let me fail, even though I forgot to run my tests. Use Docker to build Docker images. You can use GitLab CI/CD with Docker to create Docker images. For example, you can create a Docker image of your application, test it, and publish it to a container registry. To run Docker commands in your CI/CD jobs, you must configure GitLab Runner to support docker commands. Feb 05, 2021 Put your script to.gitlab-ci.yml and push your code – that’s it: CI triggers a job and your commands are executed. Now, let's add some context to our story: Our website is small, there is 20-30 daily visitors and the code repository has only one branch: master.

The following table lists examples with step-by-step tutorials that are contained in this section:

Use caseResource
Browser performance testingBrowser Performance Testing with the container.
Deployment with DplUsing dpl as deployment tool.
GitLab PagesSee the GitLab Pages documentation for a complete example of deploying a static site.
End-to-end testingEnd-to-end testing with GitLab CI/CD and WebdriverIO.
Load performance testingLoad Performance Testing with the k6 container.
Multi project pipelineBuild, test deploy using multi project pipeline.
npm with semantic-releasePublish npm packages to the GitLab Package Registry using semantic-release.
PHP with Laravel, EnvoyTest and deploy Laravel applications with GitLab CI/CD and Envoy.
PHP with npm, SCPRunning Composer and npm scripts with deployment via SCP in GitLab CI/CD.
PHP with PHPunit, atoumTesting PHP projects.
Secrets management with VaultAuthenticating and Reading Secrets With HashiCorp Vault.

Contributed examples

You can help people that use your favorite programming language by submitting a linkto a guide for that language. These contributed guides are hosted externally or inseparate example projects:

Use caseResource
ClojureTest a Clojure application with GitLab CI/CD.
Game developmentDevOps and Game Development with GitLab CI/CD.
Java with MavenHow to deploy Maven projects to Artifactory with GitLab CI/CD.
Java with Spring BootDeploy a Spring Boot application to Cloud Foundry with GitLab CI/CD.
Parallel testing Ruby & JSGitLab CI/CD parallel jobs testing for Ruby & JavaScript projects.
Python on HerokuTest and deploy a Python application with GitLab CI/CD.
Ruby on HerokuTest and deploy a Ruby application with GitLab CI/CD.
Scala on HerokuTest and deploy a Scala application to Heroku.

CI/CD templates

Get started with GitLab CI/CD and your favorite programming language or framework by using a.gitlab-ci.ymltemplate.

When you create a gitlab-ci.yml file in the UI, you canchoose one of these templates:

Gitlab Ci Python Docker

If a programming language or framework template is not in this list, you can contributeone. To create a template, submit a merge requestto the templates list.

Adding templates to your GitLab installation (PREMIUM SELF)

You can add custom examples and templates to your self-managed GitLab instance.Your GitLab administrator can designate an instance template repositorythat contains examples and templates specific to your organization.

Other resources

This section provides further resources to help you get familiar with various uses of GitLab CI/CD.Note that older articles and videos may not reflect the state of the latest GitLab release.

CI/CD in the cloud

For examples of setting up GitLab CI/CD for cloud-based environments, see:


See also the following video overviews:

  • Kubernetes, GitLab, and Cloud Native.
  • Deploying to IBM Cloud with GitLab CI/CD.

Customer stories

For some customer experiences with GitLab CI/CD, see:

Getting started

For some examples to help get you started, see:

Implementing GitLab CI/CD

For examples of others who have implemented GitLab CI/CD, see:

  • Video: GitLab CI/CD Deep Dive

Migrating to GitLab from third-party CI tools

Integrating GitLab CI/CD with other systems

To see how you can integrate GitLab CI/CD with third-party systems, see:

Mobile development

For help with using GitLab CI/CD for mobile application development, see:

Continuous Integration with GITLAB CI and Docker

Continuous Integration simply put is a software development practice where a group of developers working on smaller modules of a larger application integrate, build and test their changes as early and as often as possible. Without the right software tooling, this could be a very tedious and time-consuming task eating away a sizeable chunk of developers productive time. In this article we are going to learn how continuous integration can be achieved using GITLAB CI and Docker


This question makes perfect sense in today’s world because there are so many options to choose from. We will set aside a comprehensive comparison of different CI tools for a different article, in this article, we will focus on GITLAB CI.

Here are a few things we will learn from this article:

  • Creating a simple hello-world app
  • Setting up a GITLAB CI Project


Let’s start by answering the purpose for this article, one of the best if not the best features of GITLAB CI is that its integrated with GITLAB version control system. Not having to switch between different tools for SCM and CI/CD and not having to deal with the integration between them is a great benefit.

Here are few other advantages of GITLAB CI:

  • YAML based build configurations: Not having to write the build instructions in any scripting language makes it easy to adopt and involves a smaller learning curve. YAML based files are easier to read and understand.
  • Pipelines: Building pipelines consisting of multiples stages is easy. GITLAB CI visually separates, tracks and logs individual stages.
  • Scalable builds: The CI builds can be distributed across multiple machines and it can be scaled on a need basis

Some other honorable mentions are Support for docker, Multi-platform, Multi-Language etc.

Creating a simple hello-world app

Let’s use a simple example to learn some GITLAB CI goodness. Lets get our hands dirty, shall we?

We will use the most basic flask hello-world app to demonstrate this, We recommend you to follow along to get a better understanding.

The pre-requisites are python, pip. Here is a good installation example. Now that our workspace is set up. Let’s go ahead and create a folder called hello-world which will be our project name. To create a flask project we would require the “flask” python module, it can be installed by running the following command, pip install flask.

Here is what our simple script looks like,

Let’s go ahead and execute our program:

Now, our app is up and listening on port 5000, let’s go ahead and fire up a browser and visit http://localhost:5000

There it is! Our very first python web-app!

Lets “Dockerize” our app:

Let’s “Dockerize” our app therefore making our application deployable anywhere. It will also help us realize some cool features of GITLAB CI. Here is what our Dockerfile look like:

Let’s look at some of the highlights of the above Dockerfile,

Line #1: We start with the python base image

Line #4: This is where we install the dependencies. Now that we already know that we need the Flask python module for our application to work, we need to place all the python dependencies under the file named requirements.txt. pip, which is our python package manager will parse through the file line-by-line and install the modules listed in it.

Since we have only one dependency, our requirement.txt only has one entry as shown below:

Line #6: We fire-up our app right in the docker start-up thus, the docker run command starts-up our application!

Setting up a GITLAB CI Project


Let’s start by setting up an account on and create a “Blank Project” with any name you like, make it public and initialize with a README.

Once the project is created, we will be taken to the Project Landing Page as shown in the following image:

Gitlab Runner Docker


We will be focusing more on the GITLAB features labeled as,

  1. The GITLAB CI/CD and
  2. GITLAB Container Registry

In order to get started with the gitlab CI/CD capabilities, we need to start by writing our .gitlab-ci.yml file which is used to manage our project.

This file must be placed at the root of our project and will contain the instructions to build our project. Let’s look at our .gitlab-ci.yml file

Let’s break down our script,

Line #1: We start with the image keyword, which defines which docker image must be used as the executor to build our application. We have chosen to the basic docker image with git installed on it.

Line #3: Here, we define a service, which is simply another docker container that runs during our job and links to our Docker image that the image keyword defines.

We use the docker:dind image as its recommended for building docker images using gitlab ci. Refer this article for other ways to achieve this.

Line #6: Here, we have defined the properties that will be referred during build time. The Property, CONTAINER_IMAGE is the tag that we will be using for our hello-world application

Here, we are also using some inbuilt environment variables that GITLAB CI offers,

$CI_PROJECT_NAME : The GITLAB project name, in our example this is hello-world

$CI_BUILD_TOKEN : This is the API token that will authenticate us to push images to the GITLAB container registry

Here is a full list of all theGITLAB CI variables.

Line #11: The keyword before_script defines the set of commands that will be executed before any job is executed. We will log in to the gitlab registry using the user gitlab-ci-token and use the inbuilt $CI_BUILD_TOKEN property to authenticate

Line #14: These are the different stages of our build job. Stages can be divided based on different tasks performed or phases of our build process and are declared globally using the stage keyword. Eg: Compile, Test and Deploy could be “stages” in a simple project build.

Gitlab Ci Python Docker Example

In our example, we will be using only one stage, build and stage

Line #16: The job 1, keyword defines the script that needs to be executed and is bound to the build and stage, stage declared earlier.

Our job executes 2 simple scripts, docker build and docker push, we version our images based on the GIT Commit SHA which is unique for each GIT commit.

Great! Now we are good to commit our .gitlab-ci.yml file into our project repository. GITLAB CI automatically builds the projects once a commit is made.

Let’s introduce a ripple by making a dummy commit 🙂 Epson xp 6100 driver for mac.

There it is! as easy as that to setup a simple project

All the GITLAB CI pipelines can be accessed from the CI/CD link from the side panel which is shown in the following image:

Lets examine our build logs now:

Lets look at the GITLAB container registry:

The container registry shows the list of all the pushed images!

Testing the App

Now, Lets pull this docker image and see if its working as expected.

Lets check the app by accessing http://localhost:5000

There it is! Our docker app in its full glory.

Gitlab Ci Python Docker Online


We have reached to the concluding part of our article, we learnt that GITLAB CI is a really a winner in terms of providing integrated CI/CD capabilities. We spent almost no time in integrating our SCM tool to our CI/CD tool, setting up the CI/CD pipeline is seamless.

Gitlab Ci Python Docker Interview

Since the .gitlab-ci.yml is written in YAML syntax, there is no need to learn any complex scripting language.

This is the very first article on our blog! Thanks for patiently reading through it. The full project can be found under CodeBabel/hello-world feel free to fork it and try the project setup yourself!

Gitlab Ci Python Docker

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